“I’ve been waiting 14 years for these!” A Livio AI Story By AI_saacPI
14 years? Really? So what happened? When I was a little bitty baby my mother had concerns about my hearing. I wasn’t responding to sound and she was convinced that I was deaf. So… off I went to the audiologist for the relevant tests and passed all of them with flying colours – much to the bewilderment of my family. But, despite this, there we were busy learning British Sign Language, Cued Speech and anything else that caught my parents’ eye that might help me. After years of testing, still nothing was found, still registering with perfect hearing, and still not hearing well. Until… My dad was given Livio AI hearing aids. “These are good son” (an honest albeit brief review). So, we got in touch with Starkey’s, who referred me back to Claire Benton from the fabulous audiology team at Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham, who agreed that Livio AI might just be the thing. “This is good son” said my dad (in ...